Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Zombie Alone In Christmas

LOG Day 4...home alone for Christmas. This is just sad. No idea when will I be able to go out and evaluate the amount of damage after the Apocalypse. Still no signal, no power no water. Kind of getting sick of eating Twinkies. Craving brains. But, nevertheless alone for Christmas. I did plan for my Christmas tree and decorations, so hopefully Santa will find me here and bring me tons of presents. Zombies love Santa. Zombies love sad Christmases. Ho-ho-sob-ho


  1. Yo que tu pongo los zapatos en algún lado y espero al 6 de enero: los Reyes Magos te traerán cerebritos frescos de regalo que son mas sanos que los twinkies. After that... it's all in your hands.

  2. Yo no soy amigo de nadie del 1%....yo soy pueblo. Reyes y nobleza no mezclan con los zombis. Y en mis manos, justo ahorita no tengo exactamente esperanza.... :)
