Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

JUSTICE for Veteran Zombies!

YES, zombies honor Veterans. We have been to war but we just get ignored by pitiful  humans. We have been to almost all wars... it just happen that we have survived... and, as we are considered "undead" then we don't get the satisfaction of the Memorial celebration nor we get a Veterans pension ... and they say to us that the fact is:
1. Zombies are NOT dead...therefore no Memorial for zombies!
2. Zombies are NOT alive...therefore no pension!

JUSTICE!...I want MY Memorial AND my pension... both at the same time. It's just fair.


  1. Don't worry. Si vienes a este país vas a encontrar en una plaza la estatua al "zombie desconocido". Es lo mas cercano a tu pedido de reivindicación. No me queda claro qué bandera los zombies han llevado en las guerras en que han intervenido. ¡ No me digas que estuvieron combatiendo contra los nazis..!

  2. FOTO. Quiero FOTO. Donde hay guerra hay zombis...nazis incluidos...
