Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My 2014 World Cup Zombie Predictions

Zombies like football (or soccer like they call it ONLY in North America). No doubt. Now with all the time in our hands -what else do a zombie has to do but be?... we like to bet between us who is going to win the Brazil 2014 World Cup.

My system is infallible, I tell you. So here are my 99.9% accurate predictions for the first round. Mark the date and prepare to be amazed... I WILL be right. Remember we can't see the future but we do have the experience time only can give, one more perk to become a zombie.

Here are the ones who will make it to the second round:

Group A: Brazil
Group B: Chile
Group C: Colombia
Group D: Uruguay
Group E: France
Group F: Argentina
Group G: Germany
Group H: USA

Here we have the ones who will make it to quarter finals:


And here I present you the third place final:


And the final match will be:


And the winner will be...

I will leave you with the anxiety of not knowing until my mid June post...

Have fun, and if you don't agree with me...then be prepared to be wrong (I wonder how it feels though)

By the way if you are going to print or reproduce this just name the source and if you are planing to bet money... I get 50% no questions asked.

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