Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Lost My Brain!!!!!

One of the most important things a zombie learns since day one is the importance of preserving their organs . Organs are not easy to get by, so keeping them is a good idea. I have always been very attentive to this mantra and I try to keep my organs in good shape and place, specially my three testicles and my brain.

It just happens that today I have discovered that I actually lost my brain. I am devastated. At first I just though that I was having a good day...no ideas whatsoever. That is a good thing. But then, after hours of doing nothing productive, like eating, reading comics, or playing Halo...I knew something was wrong. My first reaction was to check for my testicles...and yes, fortunately they are there -the three of them-, so the obvious following organ to look for was my brain. It was not there!!!!!

I don't know what to do. I called 911 and told them about my situation and they hanged on  me. Stupid 911. Then I called my wife, who just said..."what is new?".... women. I asked my teen son, who literally asked me "what is a brain?".... I am lost. Please help.

Please note that I am not looking for a substitute brain. I want mine. If it has been taken by the Taliban or by Gadhafi's army for ransom, I ready to negotiate. If it has been taken for scientific studies, please don't waste your time... there is nothing to look or discover. Please give me back my brain. I suffer.


  1. hombre, haberlo leído antes! le puedo preguntar qué tipo de pensamientos tenía? Anduve de shopping hoy, y me probé varios cerebros que venían como accesorio con las camperas de cuero. Pensé cosas increíbles probándomelas por ejemplo: esto es un talle large??? nnaaaaa...están locos, estos hacen talles para anorexicas.
    2° pregunta...me impactó el pasaje del cerebro a los 3 testicles... con toda esa mercadería ahí hace falta pensar? Ud dígales: sí, sólo soy una cara bonita, y qué???

  2. El problema es que no recuerdo que pensamientos tenía, toda esa información está en mi cerebro, ahora perdido. Efectivamente las tallas ahora son para anoréxicas..pero hay que reconocer que las anoréxicas son mas atractivas... se les ven los huesos.
    ¿Porqué la sorpresa de los tres testículos?... que acaso no todos y todas tenemos tres testículos?. Hay que acordarse que soy zombi no doctor en anatomía.
