Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Zombies have Families?

Of course we do...and we all love brains!

For example I really like brains with black truffles, the current wife, Carmela, (they tend to die on me) likes them scrambled with blood oranges, Santino -the teen- likes them with canabis but if we don't have any he will be happy just with the cannabis, Constanzia likes them with Haagen Daz's Mayan Chocolate bonanza and my little one, Federico eats them as is, warm and bare.

The dog and the cat eat leftovers so they don't count.

And....YES, zombies like The Godfather...


  1. I agree and I add: all families have zombies.

  2. Yes they do. Mine has actually plenty of them but also we have, sadly, a couple of vampires that keep socking blood and money every time they can.
    And then we have also Witches, psychologists, ghosts, monsters (quite a bit of those), weirdos -lots-, incoherents, a banker, a politician, a priest and all sort of estrange creatures...I am the only sane and normal, kind of.
