Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

From The Zombie Cook Book III. The Brain Shot

As halloween is upon us, and considering that I am a very sharing zombie, I am going to give you my secret and very personal recipe for some brain shots that will keep your guests wondering what is wrong with you.

This cute beverage is really simple to make and, considering the price of fresh brains nowadays, this can help you to improve your cool factor and not empty your bank account. First of all you will need vodka -please don't buy a cheap brand... we are zombies not Wall Street Cry Babies.

First pour the vodka with a tinny bit of lime juice, then using a thin straw drop a small amount of Bailey's irish Creme into the vodka/lime juice mixture. The Irish Cream will take the texture of brains...cool, now add a splash of grenadine into the shot to get the effect of blood and voila!!!!

Your welcome.


  1. ¿Y si no tengo vodka del bueno, puedo probar con pisco? Lo podemos llamar piscoseso. Ah, y no te olvides que se acompaña con taco de ojo, típico platillo zombiemex.

  2. Si no tienes vodka del bueno... hay que buscar una nueva chamba. Pisco en lugar de vodka es como substituir el ron en una cuba por ginebra.

    Tacos de ojo, mi buen, se los hecha uno todos los días cuando sale uno a la calle...
