Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Can Zombies Jump?

Oh yes we can. Contrary to another misconception created by the uninformed writers of The Walking Dead, we can jump, run, go up and down the stairs -although we prefer to use the elevator- and we even like to perform in front of dignitaries and religious figures, like the Pope.
We are pleasers. The day these friends performed in front of Benedict XVI (no to be mistaken with Benedict XIV) he was static. Look at his face...its like as if he was looking at angels.


  1. Cuando empezó la presentación, y se ve a los Z. de espalda y comienzan a sacarse la campera... pensé ¡ que loco, ahora empieza el strip dance!!! ¿No lo insinúa? Y las monjas saltando de euforia y placer. Y el Papa con cara de NADA. Nada mas divertido que un equívoco.

  2. Ya se... pensé lo mismo. El Papa parece estar mirando ángeles, las monjas emocionadas. Todo un evento.
