Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What To Do With a Grape And a Microwave?

After suffering from 24 hours of no power I decided to share some zombie ancient knowledge... how to create light. All you need a is grape and a microwave.
Next time there is no power in your place don't be stupid, just light up the room with a grape and the microwave. Oh my God... there are people with no brains!


  1. Muy sencillo:
    1. Un horno de microondas genera entre 500 y mil watts de poder a una frecuencia de 2,400 megaherz (2,400 millones de ciclos por segundo).
    2. La uva al ser supercalentada suelta gas (plasma).
    3. Al estar exactamente cortada a la mitad, la parte de en medio de la uva funciona como una antena que funciona como transmisor del plasma.
    4. Las microondas activan el plasma y la antena las captura.

    Es muy divertido y no peligroso de hacer. Te lo recomiendo.
