Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lawyer Stories Vol. 3, The Generous Lawyer Story

Lawyers belong to a completely different species than zombies. They belong to the blood-sucker kind, related more to vampires. There are many legends about these strange creatures so today I opened my Lawyer Legend book and I found this story....

"One afternoon a very famous and wealthy lawyer was driving his SUV when he spotted two men that were eating grass on the side of the road.

Worried, he ordered his driver to stop the car and he went to talk to these two men.

He asked one of them:
-Why are you eating grass young man?
-We have no money for food -replied the young man-. We feel forced to eat grass instead.
-Oh my God, replied the lawyer. Please come to my house and I will feed you.
-Thank you Sr., but it happens that I have a wife and two kids with me. They are over there, under that tree.
-No problem, replied the lawyer. Call them and tell them that they can come to my house too. He also told to the other man: -you can come also my friend.
-But...Sr... I also have a wife and ...SIX kids! with me.
-They can also come with us, my car is big enough for all of us, said the lawyer.

They all got inside the luxurious SUV and the driver started to drive to the lawyer's home. Once they were on their way, one of the two poor guys told the lawyer:

-Mister, you are such a good soul. Thank you for taking all of us, really. God bless you!!
-Oh, please, don't even mention it -said the lawyer. I am happy to do it. You are going to love my house... the grass is three feet high!

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