Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Do Zombies Have a Soul?

I don't know...do people?
Humans have this idea that somewhere inside their body there is such thing called "soul" -even though others call it "the force" but they are a different breed. I have searched all my body for this "soul". First I emptied my pockets and nothing (actually zombies carry no stuff inside their pockets). Then I searched all available entrances to my body and... nothing.

If there is such thing as a "soul", please let me know where to find it. I would like to have a talk with it (and please don't tell me to look for James Brown)


  1. Hey you!!! Funny guy!!! No bromees con cosas tan serias como donde esta´el alma. El alma está en "almacén", "almácigo", "calma", "Dalma", "agalma" (averigua con Sócrates) "empalma", "palma", y muchos lugares más. You need glasses to read!

  2. Yo tenía una novia que me decía "mi alma"... siempre pensé que YO era su alma y ando buscando quien tiene la mía....

  3. La explicación que me dieron acerca del porqué los perros siempre olfatean el trasero de otro perro cuando se encuentran: es que andan buscando su alma. Try it!!!

  4. No, gracias. Los zombis no le entramos a eso...
