Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


My therapist says that what happened was not my fault, that was a miscommunication problem. everybody knows that zombies love chocolate, so obviously last night was a good day to get one of my favourite treats  ...for free! -considering that FREE is one of my favourite words also-.

So... I am all set up and ready with my soon to be full with chocolate pillow case (I have seen kids do that so why not me) and I started wondering the streets and knocking at all doors to get my precious  free delight. All I have to do, according to my research is to say a stupid phrase "trick or treat". Not that hard for such an immense reward.

At first I thought that my eyes were tricking me... all I could see were sample-size chocolates!... I want the REAL DEAL, not samples...so I kept going. My blood pressure was getting quite high by the 10th house...al was the same, sample-sized chocolate.

After an hour of hard labour, my pillow case was half empty of stupid size chocolates. I trowed away other junk like potato chips, candy, pennies (pennies!!!) and stuff that was not chocolate. But then, out of frustration I asked a woman what was the reason for these miniature chocolates. "They are FUN-size" she said. I got mad. FUN SIZE?... how can a miniaturized portion of a treat be FUN?

FUN my #$^$$##$#@!!!!!..... I yelled at her. She got mad and yelled at me. Then in self defence I hit her with my half empty pillow case. She called the police. Stupid woman. My therapist says is not my fault... we agreed to blame the incident on my relationship with my mom. That always makes bad experiences go away. Fun-size problems, I guess....


  1. No sabía que los zombies llegan al consultorio de los analistas. Tu historia del xocolate me sugiere que si un z. me pide una entrevista... tengo que tener una barra de chocolate Lindt para pagarle a él por su consulta!! Thanks for your advice.

  2. Yo me cuidaría de la reacción del zombie en el consultorio... nos gusta el chocolate, pero tiene que ser bueno.
    Por cierto que por supuesto que los zombies van al analista..hasta los analistas van al analista.
