Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Zombie Psychology Test I

How to know if you are a zombie?
Easy. First start by going to your neighbourhood psychologist. He will try to make lots of appointments just to maintain his lifestyle. Say no to that. Instead INSIST to get, right away a "zombie psychology ink blot test". If the results are positive, most likely the psychologist would have run for his life by then. Then you know you are in the right track. More to come.


  1. Once I had a zombie in analysis. He had a maniac way of behaviour. Always in a hurry, demanding inmediate satisfaction, always angry about life and running for meat and brains. He lasted a few weeks in analysis. Suddenly, one night he called my door and tried to calm his hunger with my arm. I do replied: I crushed his head with my baseball bat. Sorry, I said: You didn't pay your last interview. After that I began to use the "zombie ink blot test". Very neat and safe: zombies and me are separated by an antibullet blindex window.

  2. Well...you see...that shows the difference between a good and a bad psychologist. A good psychologist will always put the business side first, then the client. It is a business not a charity for Christ's sake.

    Now...hurting a zombie brings you bad karma. Be aware...we are watching you.
