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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

James Holmes: The Conspiracy Theory

Zombies love conspiracy theories. We go to the most secretive sources to find out the truth -and only the truth-: the internet (including Wikipedia).
We have extensive proof that Paul McCartney died in 1966, that Men did not get to the Moon, 9-11, Chemtrails, Global Warming and many others. The newest is that James Holmes is NOT the one that has appeared in court for the movie theatre massacre. Gun control, a banking system cover-up...oh my Gosh...there is so much to read and so little time. I love conspiracy theories.


  1. It happends to me all the time. I look to myself in the mirror and sometimes I am sure that I have been supplented by another guy from outer space. Impostor, I bet I am. The problem is that nowone worries about that. Neither my son. I am sure that he is involved in this fake. God bless us all. Oh NO!!!! I am sure that even God is an impostor.

  2. Yes, you kind of like from another planet...I was wondering. Now... the fact that your own son does not recognize you, that is because he does not need you at the moment. God?....another conspiracy that I will consider commenting later on.
