Please read this before is too late!.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Michelangelo Conspiracy VI

As you all know, zombies LOVE conspiracy theories. This one talks about how Michelangelo knew about human anatomy inside-out, as he actually came from another time -time travel, we love time travel theories-. Proof of that is the famous Creation painting....other facts soon to come.


  1. AMAZING!!!! So Michelangelo knew that we have our father inside our brain? God is inteligent? And humans are brainless? Thats partially true, I guess.

    I enjoy the conspirancy theories. They are always right and wrong at the same time.

  2. 1. Yes and that we all have mommy issues too.
    2. Yes, otherwise who came with that brilliant idea of an all-powerful eternal God?
    3. Tes, humans are brainless. The stuff is up there, good flavour but empty.

    I LOVE conspiracy theories. They give us a different perspective at a common idea.
