My good old pal George who lived in the Galapagos.... I just went there to have a chat and a salad and...he is gone. Forever. That is the problem with extinction... it really means gone forever. I will miss you George.
Nope. If you think about it, we are very honest and almost harmless creatures. All we want is to survive. Freaks of Nature are those who kill for pleasure, harm for a profit or use a position of power to gain something for themselves. Zombies are God creatures, a bit unconventional, but at the end we fulfill a purpose in this messed up world.
We all speak ...well...zombie. It is an endangered language and hopefully soon it will be incorporated to Google's Endangered Languages Project, as we are creatures in danger of disappearing.
I still remember when I was having a nice cold Limoncetto with pope Sixto IV -he liked his Limoncetto- when I suggested to him to build a Cathedral ...he was so exited that he decided to go ahead. In any event the Vatican was a pretty big empty space. So, either it was a Cathedral or a parking lot. The problem with the parking lot was that there were no cars. They built the Cathedral.
Then, of course we had to name it after him (in 1470 we named things after Church personalities not politicians).
Oh if Sixto was alive... he would have called this teen idol to have a private talk with him (priests love to have private talks with teens) to clarify that it is not the Sixteenth Chapel...but Sixtine, named after him.
Zombies hate to look for parking -YES, we DO drive-... it is fortunate that we really don't spend that much money as we are frugal, so money is not an issue. Nowadays the minimum price asked for a parking garage which is 12 feet (3.66 m) wide, 23 feet (7 m) long and 15 feet (4.6 m) high at 66 E. 11th Street in Manhattan, NYC is a whooping $1,000,000.00 US.... peanuts for me but a lot for most of you, the 99%.
YES. Zombies CAN run, but just when the occasion call for it (otherwise what's the hurry ?). For example zombies run from fast food and get-this-for-free promotions.
Are you kidding me?...we LOVE sports, specially soccer. We are all at the Euro-cup right now. This is a picture of my best friends cheering up for Italy.
We actually don't practice sports -that is boring and stupid-, but watching it live or on TV is the best!
Or at least in the penguin world, where Adiele penguins are doing that strange but comforting -for zombies- activity for centuries.
Now it is all over the news. They just rediscovered George Murray Levick's notes when traveling alongside Captain Robert Scott to the Antarctic. He call the scene "evidence of astonishing depravity"... I call it being alone in the cold and with nothing better to do. Zombie logic at its best.
I had a great childhood... I always felt safe at home. When my mom went to work at the coal mine, she always left me in a safe and well ventilated space. Even she left for me some water and crackers (which funny enough they looked a lot like doggy treats)
Zombies take all necessary precautions so we don't produce new unwanted little zombies. This is the newest zombie condom that is in fashion right now. Highly recommended.