Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A new level for weird

If you think that you have seen all there is to see, you are wrong. Now, for about 5 pounds (like $8.00 US) you can buy jam made from one of Princess Diana's hairs.

Thanks to our good friend Sam Bompas, owner of Bompas and Parr Catering Company, you can bring breakfast to a whole new level, as he took a piece of the late princess of Wales' hair and infused it with gin (I guess everything tastes better with gin), then combined with milk and sugar to make the preserve, which tastes like condensed milk.

The piece of hair came from eBay and he paid only $10 (US) from a CELEBRITY HAIR COLLECTOR (not weird at all). The product is called Occult Jam and can be bought at the Barbican Art Gallery, who has sold already 500 units in one week.

Also you can buy Absinthe and Pineapple Jam that contains sand from the Great Pyramid and Plum and Oak which is made with Courvoisier Cognac infused with wood from Nelson's ship The Victory.

So, next time you go and get a haircut, think twice before leaving the grooming place. You could be leaving a bundle just there on the floor. Remember that since the dawn of man all zombies have been looking for ways to preserve the spirit of great people. These guys are achieving what alchemists fail in their quest to turn base metal into gold. The secret of eternal life might just be there, on the barbershop's floor. You never know.

Photo by Beth Evans.


  1. Tengo guardados algunos pelos del bigote de Stalin y de la barba del Che.¿Cuanto darían los zombies por ellos? Puede fabricarse un exótico perfume políticamente polémico.
