Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

In search of my brain... the Afghanistan story

So far no luck. I have been unable to find my lost brain. As I won't give up easily I took a flight (by the way is soooo cheap, you should go there right now) to Afghanistan to look for it.

When we landed I saw this box that suspiciously looked that it could contain my brain. I went and ask the staff to open it for me but they refused. I believe I will have to do an undercover operation to get to this box and rescue my brain. I am almost sure its there. I will keep you posted.


  1. tiene suerte, Jedi. Su cerebro no es nada original! Si no se lo quieren dar, no se preocupe. Con estudiar un par de revistas XXX tenemos casi el back-up completo. Mas dos o tres güevadas más que le carguemos, voilá!

  2. Muy equivocada mi apreciable Perorata. Mi cerebro es no solamente original, sino único y precioso. Y no es que lo diga yo, eso siempre me lo dijo mi mami.
    Por otro lado veo que lamentablemente su concepto de porno es totalmente erróneo. La pornografía es un fino arte para gustos delicados y educados. Faltaba. Las revistas XXX?....me gusta la cerveza XXX.
