Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bodies...The Exhibition...from China?

Zombies love to watch dead people. Somehow it makes us feel...alive. That is why the tremendous success of the exhibit called "Bodies". The problem is that it seems that not all zombies will be able to enjoy it (yes...we DO enjoy it) in places like Hawaii ( the island state has banned all displays of cadavers for profit), Seattle (the city effectively banned all Bodies-type exhibits that could not produce proof of informed consent from the dead, or from the dead’s next of kin), Pittsburg, and many many other places.

In Manitoba (those Canadians eh) they even want to bury them! 

Why this injustice you might ask?

Well... the owners of the exhibit have been unable to produce documentation to certify the origins of the well-disected bodies. Some non-believers say that actually most of them are Chinese political prisoners leased to this group to make the show. They are lacking of any sort of authorization from their families or themselves. 

The bodies are LEASED from the China government and the organizers have acknowledged they rely on information from Chinese authorities and can't verify the origin of the specimens.

What I don't get is how some bureaucrats have the ability to spoil clean fun. For all those zombies who like to see dead human bodies and are not welcomed anymore to cemeteries... what options do we have?

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