Please read this before is too late!.

This is the real deal. If you are afraid of zombies please stop reading this blog.

Also, if you don't believe in zombie's existence, then... what are you doing here?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Zombies are into Hugo Boss

Contrary to popular belief, zombies are very much into fashion. The only difference between an average-dressed being and a zombie is that a zombie makes informed decisions. We do research before purchasing our outfits.

A fact is that we appreciate big time fashion and that we look great in Hugo Boss designs. I met Hugo -we who were close to him used to call him Hugo- at a concentration camp back in the WWII days. I worked for him, as free labourer. Hugo started his clothing company in 1924 near Stuttgart and in 1931 he became a member of the Nazi party and a sponsoring member of the SS.

He fast learned how to make a profit and became rich quite fast with sales that went from 38,260 Reichmarks in 1931 to over 3,300,000 Reichmarks in 1941. He actually was so good that he became the official supplier for Nazi uniforms. Zombies love Nazi uniforms as they create a sense of...authority.

Hugo created the famous Nazi uniforms for the military, the SA, the SS, Hitler's Youth and many other Party Organizations. To meet the demand Hugo Boss used between 30 to 50 prisoners of war and about 150 forced labourers. That is when I met him. He was a bit bossy, but I guess it was part of the deal because he was called Boss after all. He said he will pay me later but he never did. Rats!


  1. Muy buen post.

    Que los nazis sean zombies no implica que todos los zombies sean nazis, ¿no?

  2. Efectivamente Watson. No todos los zombies son nazis, ni a todos les gusta vestirse bien. Hay zombies que les encanta pasear al natural.
