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Friday, August 12, 2011

I Miss Batman...

I miss him quite a bit. I am dying (funny) to watch the new Batman movie (The Dark Night Rises)...but no sign to see it just yet. Why do I miss him that much?...don't know really. All begun with an interesting weekend at Brokebak Mountain. Green lantern was looking to come out of the closet and so was Batman.

With contemporary pop culture, Glee and all those stupid vampire movies...I guess it was about time Batman did his part. I am so much into Batman nowadays...


  1. Have you seen "Super 8" at the movies? It concerns you... and us. Childish ending but a great picture in terms of story, development and how a certain kind of movie can be made. And zombies are necessary for that.

    I always new that Batman was having an affair with Green Lantern. The problem nowadays is that Robin is getting jealous.

  2. No I haven't but I want to watch Super 8. I also want to watch The Dark Knight Rises... sad zombie.

    Batman and Robin?...nope. Robin likes the butler guy (I forgot his name...Alfred?) . He was always a weird boy...
